El evento online más importante de
Trinity College London Approved Service Provider (Spain & Portugal)
26 y 27 de Octubre de 2020
Inglés | Música | Drama
Vita Ivaskevica
It was incredibly practical presentation! Thanks for real classroom ideas!
Silvia Cortes
Thank you very much. It has been one of the most useful webinar I have attended.
Thank you so much!! I'll use these techniques a lot, they really help- specially for low levels of Primary -in my teaching practice. 😀
Amparo Serrano
Very creative and experienced, it has been a very good masterclass. Thanks very much!
Zephyr Centro de Idiomas
Thank you very much. you're amazing!
Javier Sanz Santos
Is my first Webinar and I loveeeeeee it. Many thanks Trinity Team!
Elba Carrera Andrés
Thanks for your time and knowledge. Trinity College, thanks for the opportunity.
Pili Moreno
Thanks for this activity!. It has been really useful and interesting, like always!
Oscar Suarez
…thanks for this amazing webminar!
Carmelo Zamora Parrado
Thank you very much, really useful, well prepared and dynamic presentation, so grateful!
Silvia García Riera
It's been a very instructive session, Thanks!
Ana Calvo Alcolea
Thank you very much! it was practical and helpfull!
Juan Manuel Gamito
An excellent webinar. Congratulations!
Lola Reeves Garay Abad is a teacher, a teacher trainer and a specialist in SLA. She has been in education for the last 17 years. Classically trained in languages, methodology, CLIL and special needs in education, she has managed academic programs, published classroom material and delivered teaching development workshops to professionals in main stream education and language teaching. She is also involved in mentoring and works as a consultant in various public and private schools across the country.
Robin has worked in English Language Teaching (ELT) for almost 40 years. For over 20 years he taught at the Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Asturias before leaving to found EnglishGlobalCommunication. He now works as a freelance teacher trainer, ELT author and materials writer, and ELT consultant.He regularly collaborates with Trinity College London, Oxford University Press, and regional government teacher's centres around Spain. His main interests are pronunciation, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), CLIL/EMI, and teacher education. He has published numerous articles on teaching English, is author of Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca (Oxford University Press, 2010), and co-author of Tourism, a three-level course in ESP also with Oxford University Press.
Ada Francoy es actriz, escritora y doctora en educación.
En su faceta artística, tras haber trabajado en teatro, cine y televisión, su trabajo como actriz actualmente se centra en el teatro infantil y la transmisión oral de cuentos. Como escritora tiene dos libros infantiles publicados, uno de ellos galardonado con el premio Gloria Fuertes.
En su amplia trayectoria en educación bilingüe, ha trabajado en Inglaterra, Emiratos, España y Birmania y ha participado en numerosas conferencias presentando su trabajo de investigación sobre literatura infantil, igualdad de género y diversidad familiar, temas sobre los que lleva años trabajando, no solo como investigadora sino también como escritora y actriz.
Carmen Domínguez es pedagoga musical y Arquitecto. Especializada en Orff-Schulwerk en el Orff Institute, Universidad Mozarteum de Salzburgo, diplomada en Orff-Schulwerk Levels por la Universidad de St. Thomas (EEUU) y Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria por la UAM, especialidad Música.
Imparte clases de música y movimiento desde hace más de 20 años a grupos de niños desde los 3 a los 17 años de edad. Compagina esta actividad con talleres de formación de profesorado en España, Austria, Finlandia y Colombia.
John Harrop is originally from Liverpool and is presently based in Sevilla. He divides his time between teaching, training and co-running Bat-i-Burrillo Puppet Theatre. He has been teaching for almost 30 years and his major interest is incorporating drama techniques into language teaching, especially through the use of puppets and storytelling.
John has worked throughout Europe performing interactive shows and doing workshops for teachers and students of all ages. He is a published author and has written educational materials for the BBC, Oxford University Press and Macmillan.
Roger O’Keeffe is part of the academic team for Trinity College London for Spain and Portugal.
He is also a full time teacher with his own centre and 20 years´ experience in EFL. He has a Master´s degree in TESOL. His particular interests include promoting positive washback of exams and collaborative learning.
Chris Gesthuysen is from London and has been based in Seville since 1996. She has 28 years' experience in teaching English at all levels and to all ages, and has run many teacher-training courses in the UK and Spain. Chris has been a Trinity examiner since 1997, and is one of the original members of the Trinity Stars panel.
Having worked as a travelling puppeteer for four years, she co-founded 'Bat-i-Burrillo’, an educational theatre company which offers shows and drama workshops for schools and language academies. Chris has also written educational material for Oxford University Press and Macmillan.
Marta Genis. Coordinadora de Relaciones Internacionales del DLAE. Profesora del área de Lengua y Cultura Inglesa. Es Licenciada en Filología Hispánica, Máster en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza del inglés y Doctora en Filología Inglesa (UCM).
Profesora de Patterns & Usage of English Language I y II en los estudios de grado y de Sociolingüística y Pragmática y Literatura Inglesa en los estudios de postgrado. Asesora de CercleS (Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur) y miembro de la Comisión de Acreditación y Certificación de ACLES (Asociación de Centros de Lenguas en la Enseñanza Superior).
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