Palabras necesarias para tener una base de inglés

Para poder comunicarte de manera avanzada en otro idioma, hace falta tener un conocimiento mínimo de al menos 10.000 palabras. Sin embargo, entre las miles y miles de palabras que conocemos en nuestra lengua materna, existen algunas que son activas y otras que son pasivas, lo mismo ocurre con una lengua extranjera.


Resulta curioso, pero mientras nos encontramos en la etapa inicial del aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa podemos llegar a comunicarnos de manera efectiva con un mínimo de 400 palabras. Y es que, tomando el ejemplo anterior, incluso un niño de 3 años cuenta con un vocabulario que consiste en no más de 100 palabras, con las cuales ya puede crear oraciones o frases cortas. ¿Por qué no aplicar esto al aprendizaje del inglés?


Con la finalidad de que puedas comenzar a comprender textos e incluso conversaciones en la lengua inglesa, en el blog de Trinity hemos creado un listado con 400 de las palabras más importantes de la lengua inglesa que podrás usar como apoyo para comenzar a formular oraciones y comunicarte mientras aprendes a dominar mejor el idioma.


the be to of
and a in that
have i it for
not on with he
as you do at
this but his by
from they we say
her she or an
will my one all
would there their what
so up out if
about who get which
go me when make
can like time no
just him know take
people into year your
good some could them
see other than then
now look only come
its over think also
back after use two
how our work first
well way even new
want because any these
give day most us
Time water community year
room name people mother
president way area team
day money minute man
story kid idea thing
fact woman month body
like lot information child
right back world study
parent school book face
state Eye others family
job level student word
office group business door
country issue health problem
side person hand kind
art part head war
place house history case
service party week friend
result company father change
system power morning program
hour reason question game
research work line girl
government end guy number
member moment night law
air point car teacher
home city go education
be Have do say
can mean keep let
begin seem help change
lead understand watch follow
stop get talk create
would turn speak make
start read know might
allow will show add
think hear spend take
play grow see run
open come move walk
could like win want
live offer look believe
remember use hold love
find bring consider give
happen appear tell must
buy work write wait
may provide serve should
sit die Call stand
send try lose expect
ask pay build need
meet stay feel include
fall become continue cut
leave set reach put
learn kill remain other
hard common new major
poor good better natural
high economic significant old
strong similar great possible
hot big whole dead
American free central small
military happy large true
serious national federal ready
young international simple different
full left black special
physical long easy general
little clear environmental important
recent financial political certain
blue bad personal democratic
white open dark real
red various best difficult
entire right available close
social Likely legal only
Short religious public single
cold sure medical final
low current main early
wrong green able private
nice human past huge
local late fine traditional
cultural conversation honest direction


Aunque 400 palabras no son suficientes para tener una conversación avanzada y fluida en inglés, sí que es posible emplearlas como base del aprendizaje y para llegar a establecer una conversación o comunicarte en situaciones que lo requieran.

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